Sunday, December 31, 2006

Tvcenter Pro Vista Black Screen

A lynching

's official. Maliki and his people are psychopaths. This is really a new low. It impresentable-a performance for the Eid. Muslims around the world (with the exception of Iran) are outraged. Eid is a time of peace, to put aside the fighting and anger-at least during the period of Eid.

This is not a good omen for the coming year. No one imagined that these crazy actually did during a religious festival. It is religiously unacceptable and before, it was constitutionally illegal. We thought we would have at least a few days of peace and some time to enjoy the feast of Eid, which this year coincides with the New Year. We have spent the first two days of a religious holiday watching bits and cuts a sordid lynching. .

America the savior ... After nearly four years, the crowning achievement of Bush in Iraq has been a lynching. Bravo Americans.

Maliki has made the mistake of his life. Signature and undisguised glee at the execution, especially the first day of Eid Al Adha (the Eid where millions of Muslims make the pilgrimage to Mecca). Will only further damage his already tattered reputation. Is dressed like a vulture (or a balding weasel). It's almost embarrassing. I was expecting Muwafaq Al Rubaii to lose control and wipe the drool the corner of his mouth as he signed the execution. Are these the people who represent the New Iraq? We're in a much bigger problem than I thought

And no, nothing of the celebrations that proclaims the BBC. With the exception of a few areas, the streets are empty.

Now on CNN. Shame on you CNN journalists, you're getting lazy. The least you should do when writing the story of a successful implementation is to copy the last words of the defendant. Your articles are read throughout the world and remain as references in history. You are the biggest news network in the world, the least you can do is spend some money on a decent translator. Saddam's last words were NOT "Muqtada Al Sadr" as Munir Haddad released, according to the article below. Anyone who has seen at least part of the video shown on TV, you know.

"A witness,. Iraqi Judge Munir Haddad, said that one of the executioners told Hussein that the former dictator had destroyed Iraq, which sparked a discussion which was joined by several officials who were in the room

When the noose was tightened around Hussein's neck, one of the executioners yelled "long live Muqtada al-SDAR" Haddad said, referring to the powerful antinorteamerica Shiite religious leader.

"Hussein, a Sunni, he launched one last phrase before he died, saying" Muqtada al-Sadr "in a mocking tone," according to Haddad's account.

on video that was leaked, was not an executioner who yelled "long live Muqtada al-Sadr." Look, this is another lowly in Maliki's government has collapsed, had some provocative properly distributed during execution. Maliki said that were some "trial witnesses" but were, quite obviously, provocative. At the time they placed the noose around Saddam's neck, began to sing, in unison, "the blessings of Allah be upon Mohamed and Mohamed's family ... "Something else that did not quite catch (but very it was very coordinated), and then" Muqtada, Muqtada, Muqtada! ". One of them called out to Saddam, "Go to hell ..." (in Arabic). Saddam looked down disdainfully and answered "Heya there marjala il ..." Which basically means "This is your humanity ...? Someone chided

unwillingness to provocateurs, "Please, please," the man is being executed! "It quieted a bit and then Saddam stood and said" Ashadu an la ilaha ila Allah, wa ana ashhadu Mohammedun Rasool Allah ... "That means. "I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that Mohammed is his messenger." These are the words a Muslim (Sunni and Shia alike) should say on your deathbed. He repeated it again, very clearly, but before he could finish, was lynched

So, no, CNN, his last words were not "Muqtada Al Sadr" in a mocking tone, and I think someone should clarify this . (Seems impossible, friends, six of you have contributed to this article)

Continuing the theme, one could argue that was a judge who gave them false information. An Iraqi judge appeals-court one of the judges who ratified the execution order. Everyone knows Iraqi judges under American tutelage never lie-that explains the confusion of the CNN

Muwafaq Al Rubaie was the one who said he was "weak and scared." Rubai apparently saw a different hanging because according to the leaked video, saw he was not scared at all. His voice did not tremble at all and refused to wear the black band. He seemed resigned to his fate and during the verbal confrontation was as defiant as ever. (A pretty big contrast with the public hysteria of Muhsin Abdul Hameed, last year when the Americans raided his home.)

is another anything that has militia killings. This is the so-called democracy of the Americans flaunt. Do we have become so bloodthirsty and monstrous? "Executions? I'm sure the rest of the Arab countries will be impressed.

One of the most advanced countries in the world has helped rebuild Iraq, even helped write a decent constitution. But they've helped a kangaroo court and a lynching. A lynching will go down in history as the greatest U.S. success in Iraq. And now who's next? "Who hang by the hundreds of thousands who have died as a direct result of this war and occupation? "Bush?" Blair? "Maliki? Jaffari? "Allawi? "Chalabi?

2006 has definitely been representative of Maliki and his government-killings like never before and a lynching to end it properly. Death and destruction everywhere. I'm so tired of all this ...

- posted by river @ 10:12 PM

Friday, December 29, 2006

What Does Ringworm Look Like Healing?

The End of Another Year ...

your country is known to have problems:
1. The UN has to open a special section just to get information about the chaos and bloodshed, UNAMI
2. The above section can not be run from your country
3. The politicians who worked to make your country in this sorry state, and are not found within its borders or anywhere nearby.
4. The only thing that America and Iran can agree is on the increasingly poor state of your nation.
5. An 8-year war and a blockade of 13 seem the "Golden Years" of the country.
6. Your country is purportedly 'selling' 2 million barrels of oil a day, but you make a queue of 4 hours for black market gasoline for the generator.
7. For every 5 hours without power, you get an hour of public electricity and then the government announces it will stop providing that hour.
8. Politicians supported the war spend tv time debating whether the question of "sectarian killing" or "civil war."
9. People consider themselves lucky if they can really identify the body of his relative who has been missing for two weeks.

A day in the life of an average Iraqi has been reduced to identifying corpses, avoiding car bombs and try to maintain contact with family members detained, of whom some have been banished and other hostages.

2006 was decidedly the worst year yet. No, really. The magnitude of this war and this occupation is now when it hits with full force into the country. It's like having a large piece of hard, dry earth you are determined to destroy. You put the first blow in the form of an infrastructure damaged with missiles and the latest in weapons technology, the first cracks begin. Followed by several small strokes in the form of politicians like Chalabi, Al Hakim, Talbani, Pachachi, Allawi and Maliki. The cracks slowly begin to multiply and spread through the once was a solid piece of earth, reaching their ends as many skeletal hands. And apply pressure. Surround him everywhere and strips and push. Slowly but surely, begins to separate, a chip here, a bit more over there.

That is Iraq today. The Americans have done a good job to break it. This past year has nearly everyone convinced that that was the plan from the beginning. To them have been too many failures as they have been simply failures. 'Errors' were too catastrophic. The people who elected Bush administration to support and promote were openly and publicly terrible, from the "conman" and embezzler Chalabi, to the terrorist Jaffari, or the militia man Maliki. Decisions, such as dissolving the Iraqi army, abolishing the original constitution and allowing militias to take charge of Iraqi security were too damaging to not be intentional. The question now

is: but why? It really took the last few days asking this. What can you win America damaging Iraq to this extent? I am sure that only genuine idiots still believe this war and occupation have had to do with WMD or an actual fear of Saddam.

"Al Qaeda? Produces laughter. Bush has effectively created more terrorists in Iraq for the past 4 years than Osama could have created in 10 different terrorist camps in the distant hills of Afghanistan. Our children now play games shooters and 'jihadi', pretending to give an American soldier between the eyes, and it becomes a Humvee.

This year especially has been a turning point. Virtually every Iraqi has lost so much. Too . There is no way to describe the loss we have experienced with this war and this occupation. There are no words to reflect the feeling that makes you know that are daily almost 40 corpses in various states of decay and mutilation. There is no compensation for the dense, black cloud of fear hanging over the head of every Iraqi. Fear of things so far from one's hands, that borders on the ridiculous, such as your name is 'too Sunni' or 'too Shia'. Fear of greater things, as the American tank police patrolling your neighborhood with black bandanas and green banners, and Iraqi soldiers in black masks carrying control.

Again, I can not but wonder why he has done all this. What is the reason to destroy Iraq and, most beyond repair? Iran appears to be the only winner. Their presence in Iraq is so established that publicly criticizing a cleric or ayatollah verges on suicide. Do they have done so out of hand the United States the situation is now irretrievable? Or it was part of the plan from the beginning? My head hurts just asking questions.

What has me more confused on this now is: why add fuel to the fire? Sunnis and moderate Shia are being chased out of the South's largest cities and the capital. Is tearing Baghdad with Shia leaving Sunni neighborhoods and Sunni-Shiite neighborhoods abandoned some under threat and fear of other attacks. People are openly fired at checkpoints or on the road ... Many universities have suspended classes. Thousands more Iraqis no longer send their children to school - not safe.

Why make things worse now insisting on the execution of Saddam? Who gains if they hang Saddam? Iran, of course, but who more? There is real fear that this execution is the latest blow to Iraq to pieces. Some Sunni and Shia tribes have threatened to arm their members against the Americans if Saddam is executed. The Iraqis in general are watching closely to see what happens next, and preparing for the worst.

This is because Saddam no longer represents himself or his regime. Despite the constant insistence of American war propaganda, Saddam is now a symbol for all loa Sunni Arabs (never mind that most of their governments are Shiites). The Americans, despite his speeches and newspaper articles and Iraqi Puppets, have made it very clear that they consider that he represents the Sunni Arab resistance against the occupation. Simply, with this execution, what the Americans say is: "Look, Sunni Arabs, this is your man, we all know. We are going to hang up, he symbolizes you. " And make no mistake, this trial, the verdict and the execution are 100% American. Some of the actors were Iraqi enough, but producing, directing and editing were pure Hollywood (though low budget, by the way).

This is, of course, why Talbani does not want to sign his death penalty-not because they have suddenly grown a conscience in the mafia but because they want to be the author of the hanging-could not reach far enough if you did this.

Maliki's government could not contain his joy. They announced the ratification of the execution order before the competent court to do. A few nights ago, some American news program interviewed the head of Maliki's office. Basim Al-Hassani who was speaking in English with an American accent on the next run as if waiting for a carnival. Sitting, looking sleazy and more than a bit ridiculous, his dialogue interspersed "gonna", "gotta" and "want to" ... Whatever happens, I suppose, when only people with whom you mix are American soldiers.

My only conclusion is that Americans want to withdraw from Iraq, but would like to leave behind a civil war with all of the law because it would be good if they withdraw and things started to go better, does not it?

We reached the end of 2006 and I'm sad. Not only for the situation in the country, but by the situation of our human values \u200b\u200band Iraqis. All of us have lost something of the compassion and civility that I felt made us special four years ago. Nearly four years ago I was embarrassed every time I heard an American soldier had died. They were occupiers, but they were also human beings and they know that death in my country gave me sleepless nights.

If it had not stirred feelings expressed in this blog, I do not believe now. Today, they are just numbers, "3000 Americans killed in nearly four years? Really? That is the number of Iraqis who died in less than a month. "Americans had families? Too bad for them. We too. Also dumped in the streets and waiting to be identified in the morgue.

Is the American soldier died today in Anbar more important than my cousin who was shot last month on the night of his commitment to a woman he wanted to marry during the last six years? I do not think so.

Just because the Americans die in smaller numbers, that does not make them more meaningful, right?
- posted by river @ 1:00 PM